Making a donation to us is now even simpler. As well as being able to donate online you can also donate by post, phone, or through Payroll Giving.

What does donating to Crimestoppers achieve?

Your donations make a difference:

1000 rupees provides a school pack to help teachers and young people talk about crime and the consequences of their choices.

5000 rupees help us support a community immediately after a serious crime is committed. Information from local people is crucial at this time, so we give out cards to remind them they can contact Crimestoppers anonymously.

10000 rupees could train one volunteer to have the necessary skills to work in their local community and show how anonymous calls to us can make an area safer from crime.

20000 rupees contributes towards running campaigns against local crime such as burglary and drug dealing.

Make a regular or single donation

The continued support of regular donations allows us to plan our work and make the most effective use of resources. To make a regular donation contact us.