The guarantee of anonymity that comes with contacting Crimestoppers is vitally important to both you and us.
It makes it easier for you to come forward, breaking the silence around criminal activity and removing your fear. Anonymity makes the difference.
- You will not be asked to reveal your name or any personal details.
- Your call will not be recorded.
- Online reports are given the same levels of anonymity as phone calls.
- We create a report from the information you give us and our specially trained call agents will check that this report contains no information that might identify you, e.g. if the call is about your neighbour, we won’t mention this.
- Our call agents do not make a note of gender, accents, apparent age or ethnicity of any caller and cannot pass that detail to law enforcement. Even if you give personal details, those will not be passed on.
The only way anybody will know you rang Crimestoppers is if you tell somebody.
Did you know…?
Crimestoppers’ promise of anonymity has never been broken
If the identity of one of our callers was made known it would destroy trust in Crimestoppers and no one would contact us. This is another reason why it is so important to us that we can guarantee your anonymity.
To give information anonymously to Crimestoppers now, call ***** or fill out our Anonymous Online Form.