We’re an independent charity that gives you the power to speak up to stop crime, 100% anonymously.
Whoever you are, wherever you live, from communities to companies.
By phone and online, 24/7, 365 days a year.
We also share advice on how to protect the people you care about from crime, so everyone can feel safe.
After receiving your call or a completed anonymous online form, we create a report that brings together all the information you gave us, making sure it doesn’t contain any information that could identify you.
Your report is sent to the relevant authority with the legal responsibility to investigate crimes, make arrests and charge people in order to bring them to justice. This could be your local police force or an agency.
Our research confirms that nearly a fifth of the public have known about a crime, but chose not to talk to the police.
Some of the reasons for people not speaking out include:
- I do not want to talk to the police
- I need to report someone I know
- I am worried that others will know if I speak out
- I am not sure if what I know will help
- I do not want to get involved with courts
Impact and influence
Hundreds of thousands of people contact us every year. Below is a sample of the impact their information – given 100% anonymously – has in making us safer.